Why did I choose my major?

Hello viewers! This is my second post. Like I say in the past post , I'm student of Biochemestry in University of Chile , I'm third year. When I was a child, a lot of jobs were passing for my mind: firefighter, football player, astronomer, but the main job that i wanted to be was doctor ( i don't remember why). After, in the secundary I was conviced that the mathematics were that I wanted, my plan of life was becoming an engineer but... One person got in my way, Italo, A biochemestry of University of Chile with a doctor in the Manchester's University, in a poor school of recoleta he showed me his job, i found it very interesting and striking and I said "I want to be a biochemestry". Now in the University , I do no regret to choice this major, I keep thinking the same that the first time when I met italo. The major is harder but i put all my effort to not fail!