An Expert / Person in your field that you admire

Well I've talked about him in other post, and in this case will not be the exeption. 

The person that I admire had a important influence in my life, even though I only saw him 5 times in my whole life, and the name of that person his Ítalo Espinoza. 

When I see him for first time I didn't pay much attention, I thought he was a ordinary guy, but after he tell me the story of his life... I was schoked. Italo had studied in the same school that me :0, after he finished the school he wanted to study Medicine but did not get enough score in PSU test
and decided study Biochemestry at Universidad de Chile, after finishing his career he didn't lost time and went to Manchester University to get his Doctor grade:00, and after getting it he traveled for the world working as a biochemist. It was in that moment after hearing his story when I decided to study biochemestry too. Before I met Italo I didn't conviced what career to study, it was thanks to him the reason why I'm basically here. For all the above mentioned is the reason why I admire this person. I hope I can follow his steps.


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