My Dream Job

 A job... nowadays it's something that I see very far away, I'm still a student... I haven't thought it so much... but if I use my brain, I'll could imaginate my dream job. 

I will like to work in a pharmacological or investigation lab. The biochemestry career let you job in other countries and is very possitive academically, because in those countries there are more inversion to science and you can do things or studies that can't do in Chile. Besides you get a well paid for your job. I will like to see me investigating a disiase or participating in the creation of a medicine for a illness.

To teach in a lab and doing investigation you have to relate with other people and working as group, moreover ou have very very pacient, things sometimes things don't go our way, but anyway if you work hard you will get your reward (or your doctor grade).

In Chile Biochemits are not well paid but personally since I choose this degree I assumed that money shouldn't have care. Although if I job in other country and I recieve a well paid (I hope so) I wouldn't be angry.

I'm very comfortable studying biochemestry, maybe I discover the cure for the HIV or cancer and maybe I can patent the cure and I will get rich ( jaja). 


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